Thor concept art for Love and Thunder.
This armor is referring to different things : Captain America scale torso armor as seen in Avengers : Endgame. This armor is brilliantly referring to a specific look from the comic books. Also to the Thor shiny armor from the comic-books run by Walt Simonson. With a blue scales torso and a gold armor. It seems cool to use this one to develop a new and refreshing look in the movies as well as keeping a link to what we’ve seen in the comic-books. And because also Steve Rogers is one of the few (with Jane?) humans to be worthy and being able to handle Mjolnir I’ve kept the structure of Cap armor on the torso (I’ve hidden the star because it would have been too obvious). And for the Helmet, I was referencing Odin’s one. Like the place of the father is now empty and now Thor is at a new step in his life…maybe a father one?
I’ve made a nother iteration by adding a yellow background with speed lines in order to underline the likeness with this specific Thor from the comic-books. All those Marvel characters are coming from comic-book sources first so it seems part of of the process to get back at those roots at some point. (As a comic book reader I feel good about paying some kind of tribute to the fellows artists). And to iterate from that, sometimes trying to do new connections.