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Avengers : Endgame / James Rhodes with the time travel suit

James «Rodhey » Rhodes aka « war machine » with his time travel suit for Avengers Endgame. The big question here was about his combat armor (War Machine) : Does he still wear it and how to apply the same look than the other guys of the team? Here I’ve explored another way, like he had his human form and the same time travel suits than the team. And he was carrying his armor in a special package like this intriguing floating dice. Usually War Machine is rawer and bulkier than Iron Man so it seems that less advanced Nanotech could be involved in it. And so he would need some bigger container for traveling through time and the Quantum Realm. This concept is also a symbolic version of Rodhey carrying his load.
Do you know that Rodhey almost became the vice-president of the USA in the mcu?